Advising Links

Campus Advising Information

Advising takes place in scores of departments, schools, offices, and even dorms at UC Berkeley. In addition to the more than 900 professional student services staff on campus who perform advising-related functions, faculty and student peer advisors perform critical roles in advising as well. The list below is a work in progress and represents a birds-eye view of the advising landscape at UC Berkeley; please send suggestions to sends e-mail).

Undergraduate Academic Advising

College of Chemistry (COC) is external); 420 Latimer HallCollege of Engineering (COE) is external); 230 Bechtel Engineering Center;
College of Environmental Design (CED): is external); 250 Wurster HallCollege of Letters and Science (L&S) is external); 206 Evans HallCollege of Natural Resources (CNR) is external); 260 Mulford HallHaas School of is external); S450 Student Services Building

Graduate Student Academic Advising

Goldman School of Public Policy: is external); 1893 Leroy AvenueGraduate School of Education: is external); 1600 Tolman Hall
Graduate School of is external); 121 North Gate Hall
Graduate School of Law (Boalt) is external); 215 Boalt Hall
Graduate School of is external); 102 South Hall
Graduate School of is external); 397 Minor Hall 
Graduate School of Public is external); 417 University Hall
Graduate School of Social is external); 120 Haviland Hall

Other Advising-Related Resources

Academic Services Centers in the Residence Halls(link is external) Located in each of the five residence-hall complexes, these centers provide advising, tutoring, study space, technology services, and opportunities to interact with faculty who come to the halls for special programs.

Athletic Study Center(link is external):  Advisors guide student-athletes in understanding the complexities of their academic and NCAA regulations, choosing the right courses and major, developing time-management skills, and making good progress toward earning a degree. 

Berkeley Connect (link is external)is a program that offers undergradutes a chance to build relationships with their peers, graduate students, professors, and alumni/ae based on a shared love of ideas and a common desire to support one another during and after their time at BerkeleyBerkeley Connect pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors in a semester-long, 1-credit program that includes individual advising, small-group sessions, and special events and excursions.

Berkeley International Office(link is external) Berkeley International Office’s mission is to enhance the academic experiences of international students and scholars by providing the highest levels of knowledge and expertise in advising, immigration services, advocacy, and programming to the UC Berkeley campus community

TheCareer Center(link is external)prepares undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni to make informed decisions about their futures by providing comprehensive resources, programs, and counseling on career development, internships, employment, and graduate school.

Counseling & Psychological Services, University Health Services.(link is external) Provides comprehensive counseling services to assist students with a variety of concerns including academic success, life management, career and life planning, and personal growth and development.

Disabled Students' Program(link is external) (DSP): Making sure that Berkeley's students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities is the mission of DSP. Many accommodations that allow disabled students to participate in classes are legally mandated, such as use of assistive technology, note-takers or readers, and extended time for exams. Students work with a DSP Specialist who designs individualized services and helps them with academic planning.

Educational Opportunity Program(link is external) (EOP) For over 40 years, the Educational Opportunity Program at Cal has provided first-generation and low-income students with the guidance and resources necessary to succeed at the best public university in the world. 

The Fall Program for Freshmen(link is external) (FPF) at Berkeley is a small, collaborative learning community for first-year students in their first semester in the College of Letters & Sciences. You will get much smaller classes and much greater connections with your instructors, classmates, and FPF advisor. We’re like a small liberal arts college with the resources and opportunities of a large research University.

The Office of Student Development(link is external)  is charged with the development and implementation of transitional programs for students and their families at the University of California, Berkeley. We also create safe residential communities that facilitate personal development and intellectual growth for the 7000+ single students and approximately 3000 family housing residents.

Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointments(link is external): The mission of the Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees is to provide an informal dispute resolution process in which the Ombudsperson advocates for fairness, justice, respect for differences, and reasonable solutions to student and postdoctoral issues and concerns.

Student Learning Center:(link is external) The primary academic support center for students at Cal; offers free academic services to help students excel, such as one-on-one tutoring, study groups, and credit-bearing courses. 

Transfer, Re-entry, and Student Parent Center(link is external): Entering Berkeley as a junior, as an older student, or with children to care for presents special challenges, and this center can help such students make the transition, plus find campus resources and enrichment opportunities. Students can also request a peer mentor through the "Major Insights" program, connecting new transfer students with continuing transfers in the same major and provi-ding specific advice from an experi-enced student's perspective.