With advising and student services spread across campus, we know information can be a bit uneven and haphazard at times. Our goal is to provide a central, reliable source of information and inspiration. More importantly, we hope to engage our community. So please join us! Check out our past issues and sign up for future ones!
Connect with colleagues via these listservs
This is a voluntary email list of campus-wide undergraduate advisors, across all colleges. Request to join.
This is a voluntary UCB listserv that anyone can join. Use this group email to share news and resources of interest to those who work with and support students. Request to join.
Student Services
Receive student service-related announcements from the Advising Strategy + Training Program and campus leadership for advising & student services staff. Request to join here or contact us via email to be added to our listserv.
GSAO Listserv
This is a voluntary UCB listserv for those who support graduate students. Request to join