Training Opportunities

Training Opportunities for Advising & Student Services Staff Across Campus

Across the UC Berkeley campus, there are many opportunities to learn about services designed to support holistic student success, as well as to engage with professional development opportunities and communities of practice. Check out these selected opportunities to learn more about topics such as Study Abroad, Counseling and Psychological Services, Supporting Students in Distress, Organizational Development, Career Development, Staff Organizations, and more.

To update your department or unit's workshop information, or to share an additional training opportunity for inclusion on this page, please email the Advising Strategy + Training team.

Workshops and Trainings: Student Services & Support

Berkeley Study Abroad

Study Abroad 101: Intro to the basics of study abroad process, program options, financial aid and academic considerations.


Audience: Staff and Students

Center for Support and Intervention (CSI)

Supporting Students in Distress: How to recognize when students may be experiencing distress and refer them to key campus resources.

Contact: Request training via the CSI website

Audience: Staff

Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq)

Workshop categories include Cal Self-Defense For All (CSDA), LGBTQ Workshops, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence and Gender Workshops

Visit the GenEq Workshops page for more information and/or to request a workshop.

Audience: Staff and Students

Faculty & Staff Mental Health Training Program - Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Suicide Awareness Training: Introductory overview, will use a scenario, lecture and discussion to help you understand the warning signs and risk factors associated with thoughts of suicide. You will learn ways to approach and talk to a student about your concerns, including how to ask a question about suicide. Lastly, you will learn the resources and how to make appropriate referrals.

Psychological First Aid: Learn the basic skills necessary to provide common sense support after a tragedy, such as a student death. The course will also address CAPS response and how faculty and staff can collaborate with the Tang Center.

Contact: Visit the CAPS website for upcoming workshop dates.

Audience: Staff

Workshops and Trainings: Staff Development & Learning Opportunities

Global Institute for Counseling & Student Mental Health

Collegiate Mental Health Ally Certificate Program: The program is a continuing education series focusing on raising awareness of mental health challenges facing undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, developing active listening skills to build rapport with students, making appropriate referrals and intervene appropriately under crisis situations.

Contact: Visit the Certificate Program website for cost and registration information.

Audience: Staff

Multicultural Education Program (MEP)

Workshops In Series: Looking In / Looking Out: Exploring Workplace Diversity at Cal, First Take / Second Look: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Let's Talk: Engaging in Cross-Cultural Communication

Visit the MEP website for more information about available workshops and/or to request training.

Audience: Staff and Students

PATH to Care

Sexual Violence Prevention Training: These trainings are useful both in keeping up to date on best practices, as well as for ensuring your department is doing all it can to prevent violence.


Audience: Staff

Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq)

Workshop categories include Cal Self-Defense For All (CSDA), LGBTQ Workshops, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence and Gender Workshops

Visit the GenEq Workshops page for more information and/or to request a workshop.

Audience: Staff and Students

UC Berkeley People & Culture

Check out the 9 different customized diagnostic/consulting services that address specific workforce effectiveness challenges and opportunities from People & Organizational Development. Some examples include Team Development, Strategic Planning, and Coaching.

Find out more about services facilitating individual, team, and organizational learning and growth on the People & Culture website.

Professional Development Opportunities & Resources available:

Audience: Staff

UC Berkeley Extension

Extension (UNEX) offers many courses, as listed on their Online Learning webpage.


Audience: UNEX courses are open to all. Visit the UNEX website for cost and enrollment information. Some UNEX courses may qualify as professional development; work with your manager to learn more about support available from your department for course registration.

Campus Staff Organizations & Communities of Practice

Berkeley Events Network (BEN)

The Berkeley Events Network (BEN) provides training in best practices, access to resources, and networking opportunities for employees planning events on the UC Berkeley campus. Our listserv allows members to ask questions, share information, and gain knowledge. We host several events a year that bring members together to network, learn new skills and best practices, and find out about our Bay Area vendors.

Join the BEN listserv here.

Contact: Helena Weiss-Duman

Audience: Staff

Berkeley Facilitators Network (BFN)

The Berkeley Facilitators Network is devoted to cultivating the art and practice of facilitation on campus by providing a working group where colleagues can make connections, find support, receive training and share best practices on the topic of facilitation.

Resources from past sessions are available in the BFN Google Drive folder.


Audience: Staff

Business Process Analysis Working Group (BPAWG)

BPAWG, a University of California, Berkeley community of practice, offers a forum for the discussion of business process analysis and associated methods, tools, and strategies. While each of the following is deserving of its own forum, BPAWG brings the UC community of interest together to discuss how these disciplines intersect, interact and add value to each other. BPAWG meetings offer demonstrations, discussions and opportunities to meet with experts and colleagues in various business areas.

Contact: Isaac Mankita, Chair

Audience: Staff

Cal Assessment Network (CAN)

The Cal Assessment Network (CAN) offers the UC community a forum where like-minded colleagues can make connections, find support, receive training and share best practices on the topic of asssessment. Monthly presentations, a list-serve and a session archive provide resources for discussing a broad of topics.


Audience: Staff