Wednesday, April 20, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Join us to hear advising colleagues share ideas on how to meaningfully engage underrepresented students in discovery experiences. Panelists will offer approaches to breaking down a range of barriers by engaging students about their lived experiences in relation to valuable co-curricular projects. Participants will walk away with tools to initiate and sustain meaningful conversations with students via the golden intersection of passion, purpose, planning and process: What they love and care about; What they are truly good at; What they believe the world needs; and What is their key incentive.
- Kasra Sotudeh, Academic & Curriculum Development Coordinator, Athletic Study Center
- Luisa Giulianetti, CE3 Curriculum Coordinator & Miller Scholars Coordinator, Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence
- Alberto Ledesma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, College of Letters & Science
- Keisha Hicks, Academic Advisor, Ronald E. Scholars Program
- Serena Le, Discovery Program Director, Student Learning Center