Tuesday, February 15, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The University of California is implementing a new Tuition Stability Plan effective fall 2022-23. Information about the plan will roll out this spring for continuing and new undergraduate students. Please join us for this session to learn about this program, and the resources currently available to answer the inevitable questions from students! Topics will include the rollout timeline, basic policy information, and how to look up a student's tuition cohort in our student systems.
Susan Cass, Manager, Central Evaluation Unit and Interim Registrar
Mariah Dyson-Smith, Business Systems Analyst, Student Information Systems
Doug Au, Business Systems Analyst, Office of the Registrar
Leslie Wills, Service Manager, Student Information Systems
What is the Tuition Stabiity Plan? The Tuition Stability Plan sets tuition for incoming undergraduates at the time they first enroll and holds that tuition flat until they graduate or for up to six academic years, whichever comes first. The plan is effective for new undergraduate students starting in the 2022-23 academic year. The plan also keeps tuition flat for current UC students.