The informational core competency area includes institution specific knowledge of academic disciplines, curriculum, programs, policy, rules, regulations, procedure, and resources. An understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities of advising. An ability to form productive connections and coalitions with campus partners.
An understanding of:
Institution specific history, mission, values, culture, and vision.
An understanding of institution specific history and educational mission, vision and priorities. An awareness of and ability to remain up-to-date with the campus, community, and other institutional developments (i.e., shifting institutional priorities).
Knowledge of curriculum, degree, and other academic requirements and options.
Includes an understanding of the purpose of the institutions requirements, curriculum, pedagogical practices, and desired learning outcomes. Knowledge of applicable requirements, courses, majors, minors, degree programs, and general education requirements and the ability to locate and refer others to relevant campus publications and other sources of information (general catalogs, websites, etc.)
Knowledge of programs, policy, rules, regulations, procedure, and resources and the ability to apply and uphold these as appropriate.
Includes helping students navigate the institution; explaining and enforcing policy, rules, and regulations; and connecting students with important resources, as well as the ability to make decisions and offer options that support institutional goals and facilitate student progress.
Ability to know and apply regulations and procedures, campus resources, collaborate across units, and work effectively with students in special status. For example, on conditional admission, probation, blocked, dismissed, reduced study etc.
Effective Use of Advising Tools: Transcripts, Degree Audit Reports, Note Taking Strategies, and other progress and performance tracking tools.
Proficient use of a wide range of advising tools used to evaluate progress and performance as per institutional guidelines and as consistent with privacy regulations (Folsom, Yoder & Joslin, 2013).
Knowledge of and ability to uphold privacy regulations and confidentiality as they pertain to student records.
For example, an understanding of and compliance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) law that protects the privacy of student education records).
An understanding of and ability to work within the legal and ethical guidelines of practice.
As described in the conceptual area, includes the ability to put into practice the ethical responsibilities of advising (i.e., choice and fairness, conflict of interest, neutrality, accuracy, confidentiality, awareness of bias, etc. (Buck, Moore, Schwartz, & Supon, (2001) and the ability to maintain professional boundaries (UW-Madison, 2013)), as well as an understanding of the legal protections that support students with special needs.
For example, an understanding of the Title IX federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an federally funded education program or activity and The Americans with Disabilities Act.
Develop and maintain connections with campus partners in support of student success.
An ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with campus partners in support of student success: faculty, admissions, financial aid, registrar, health services, career center, etc. and refer students appropriately (UW-Madison, 2013).