Monday, May 16 | 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Please join us this afternoon to hear from our current Berkeley Hope Scholars and from the program Coordinator, Charly King Beavers. Berkeley Hope Scholars (formerly the Cal Independent Scholars Network) is the academic success program at UC Berkeley supporting all incoming first year, transfer, graduate, and continuing students who are current and former foster youth, probation youth, or were orphaned before the age of 18. You can read more about eligibility here. As a unit of the Centers for Educational Equity & Excellence (CE3), our goal is to create a safe and welcoming community and provide our students with a variety of resources. Founded in 2005 with one student, the Berkeley Hope Scholars program has delivered direct services to over 284 students. Currently, BHS is 118 students strong!
Presenter & Moderator: Charly King Beavers, Berkeley Hope Scholars Coordinator
Student Panelists:
- William Carter
- Alishba Sardar
- Additional presenters TBA
Foundations of Practice: Informational, Relational
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