Social Change Roles in Times of Crisis, a Virtual Reflection

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 | 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Social change occurs within an ecosystem of actors taking on various roles. In times of crisis we may find ourselves taking on familiar roles or being called to step into new ones. This conversation, guided by a model developed by Deepa Iyer, at the Center for Social Inclusion, will provide an opportunity to reflect on where we are with regards to "acting" in this moment, share the various social change roles that typically exist within the larger ecosystem of people working towards justice, equity, and inclusion, and discuss how we might stretch and grow in this moment. Students are welcome to participate in this session.

Presenters: Staff from the Public Service Center and special guest Deepa Iyer from the Center for Social Inclusion

To get the most out of this workshop, please fill out this reflection tool in advance and review this handout.

Co-sponsored by the Public Service Center