Friday, July 26, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | RSVP to Attend
Self-preservation refers to a set of behaviors adopted to protect ourselves and maintain personal wellbeing, stemming from an understanding that protecting our physical, emotional, and psychological health is a prerequisite for doing our best work for our students and one another. As staff providing direct support to students with a wide range of lived experiences, it is...
Self-preservation refers to a set of behaviors adopted to protect ourselves and maintain personal wellbeing, stemming from an understanding that protecting our physical, emotional, and psychological health is a prerequisite for doing our best work for our students and one another. As staff providing direct support to students with a wide range of lived experiences, it is especially important to curate an approach to self-preservation that fits into our busy lives so that we can fill our own cups before...
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. | RSVP to Attend
Self-preservation refers to a set of behaviors adopted to protect ourselves and maintain personal wellbeing, stemming from an understanding that protecting our physical, emotional, and psychological health is a prerequisite for doing our best work for our students and one another. As staff providing direct support to students with a wide range of lived experiences, it is...
Self-preservation refers to a set of behaviors adopted to protect ourselves and maintain personal wellbeing, stemming from an understanding that protecting our physical, emotional, and psychological health is a prerequisite for doing our best work for our students and one another. As staff providing direct support to students with a wide range of lived experiences, it is especially important to curate an approach to self-preservation that fits into our busy lives so that we can fill our own cups before...
Self-preservation refers to a set of behaviors adopted to protect ourselves and maintain personal wellbeing, stemming from an understanding that protecting our physical, emotional, and psychological health is a prerequisite for doing our best work for our students and one another. As staff providing direct support to students with a wide range of lived experiences, it is especially important to curate an approach to self-preservation that fits into our busy lives so that we can fill our own cups before...
Join us for a session focused on widening your sphere of options when considering what professional development looks like for you! This interactive workshop will spotlight a variety of resources and opportunities to support your career growth at Berkeley and beyond. We will introduce the Student Services (Advising) Learning Pathway developed by People & Culture in...
Join us for our first session of 2024! In this interactive workshop, Christopher Hunn, Faculty Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Instruction in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, will help us understand and reflect on the ways we can best serve our neurodivergent students (and colleagues). Please note that this workshop includes breakout sessions, and participants are highly encouraged to use these opportunities for self-reflection and shared learning.
To Move from the Dream Space will invite participants to meditate on their dreaming practice as an antidote to a culture of urgency. Together in this workshop, we'll write to reflection prompts, engage meditation practices, and practice appreciation for the power and bigness of our dreams in the face of a culture that asks us to be too busy for them.
Presenter: Antmen Pimentel Mendoza, Acting Co-Director Multicultural Community Center
In her widely circulated writings, Tema Okun names urgency as one characteristic of white supremacy culture. In this session, we’ll study her writings on urgency, draw connections between urgency and our experiences on campus and living in white supremacy and capitalism, and generate personal inventories of antidotes and hopes against urgency. Please arrive at this session with tools to write with (whether by hand or typewritten).
In this session on rest rituals, we’ll explore what it means to ‘practice’ with giving the body and mind a chance to connect with calm and make space to ‘be with’ ourselves in order to find ease. We’ll practice with in-the-moment techniques to soothe an overactive mind or body experience, explore opportunities for building rest into your daily routines, and discuss techniques to create and sustain an environment that supports restfulness and regeneration in service of holistic well-being.