Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Billy Curtis & Chris Grace

Thursday, July 23, 10-11:00am 

This month's student services community interview features Billy Curtis (Gen Eq) and Chris Grace (Athletic Study Center)

Billy Curtis is a committed community activist and advocate. In 1999, Billy was hired as UC Berkeley’s first full time Director for LGBT Resources and is currently the Director of the university’s Gender Equity Resource Center(link is external). During his tenure Billy has evolved campus resources for LGBTQ students, faculty and staff and mentored a host of LGBTQ leaders.  He established Cal’s first Lavender Graduation, led UCB to address Hate Crimes and Hate Acts more effectively, and led the university toward better inclusion for the campus Transgender community. He has also volunteered his time on a number of boards of directors, including Vitality, a network of LGBT business professionals, and the SF LGBT Center. He also served on the LGBT Advisory Committee of the SF Human Rights Commission, volunteered with Project Open Hand and is a past AIDS Lifecycle Rider. Billy was honored as a San Francisco Pride Community Grand Marshal in 2018.

Chris Grace oversees the Academic Advising program within the Athletic Study Center,(link is external) and she serves as the Advisor for the Cal Swimming, Diving, and Water Polo teams.  Chris is a student-centric advisor who enjoys guiding and encouraging student athletes along their path to achieving their goals.  Chris is a Cal graduate and former student athlete.  She competed as a member of the Cal women’s water polo team from 1997-2002 while earning her B.A. and M.A.   Chris is a bay area native and lives in Oakland with her husband and five children.

Join our Berkeley advising and student services community and get know one another better! Each month we will host a dynamic duo via an "Inside the Actor's Studio(link is external)" style interview. The exchange will cover personal background, work, and information about each staff member's unit. It's like a fireside chat or a networking lunch. Without the fire and food, but holding the warmth. The session will be moderated by Tim Cahill and Cassandra Dunn.

Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Chris Grace and Billy Curtis (Advancing Practice 7.23.20)