Effective advising programs acknowledge the diversity of student values, experiences, and motivations as they move in and through the university. CAS Program Standards (Part 7: Diversity, Equity, and Access) state that advising programs and services...
(a) "must not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, abilities/disabilities, age, cultural identity, family educational history (e.g., first generation college), language, religion, nationality, socio economic or veteran status, or any other basis included in institutional policies, codes, and laws;
(b) must create and maintain educational and work environments that are welcoming, accessible, and inclusive to persons of diverse backgrounds, equitable and non-discriminatory, and free from harrassment."
Advisors can demonstrate respect and sensitivity by approaching individual sessions with students with as as few preconceived notions as possible.
Guiding Questionsto examine diversity and inclusiveness
- How is diversity defined and manifested in your unit? Are diversity goals clearly articulated?
- What efforts is the program making to ensure inclusivity?
- How does your advising services staff foster student diversity, equity, and access?
- How do advisors ensure sensitivity to and respond to the needs of diverse student population you serve?
- Division of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, UC Berkeley: http://diversity.berkeley.edu
- Multicultual Student Development: http://multicultural.berkeley.edu
- Multicultural Community Center: http://mcc.berkeley.edu
- Student Life Advising Services/Education Opportunity Program: http://eop.berkeley.edu
- Gender Equity Resources Center: http://geneq.berkeley.edu
- Student Achievement Guided by Experience: http://sagescholars.berkeley.edu
- CAS Standards Part 7: Diversity, Equity, and Access: http://www.cas.edu(link is external)